CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Ruined Church

Another warm sunny day.

In the morning I caught up on the latest episodes of ‘This is going to hurt’ - an exceptionally emotional drama series about life in an NHS ‘baby ward’ with a side swipe at a private hospital. Possibly not a series to watch if you are about to have a baby!

In the afternoon, we went for a walk over to Invergowrie for a lovely lunch. 3.00 miles there and back. Just before leaving Invergowrie, we saw this old ruined church, known as Dargie Church and dedicated to St. Peter. It was built around the 14th Century although an earlier church was built here around the 700’s AD.

I am having problems with my left knee and seeing the doctor next week, so I was quite pleased to have managed 3 miles, though rather slowly.

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