
By 58jc


How can it be Friday already? The weeks are flying by and with OH away for 10 days I have lots of plans and things lined up to get done. Today I wanted to sort out the airing cupboard and found this ‘onesie’ that was owned by No. 2. Whatever was he thinking? Actually it was a present from ex girlfriend, which kind of shows why she is an ex?

Another good day that included lovely long chat with K who is not that good keeping in touch but we are really close when we do chat. I put my head phones in and chatted while I was jobbing. I washed and ironed two sets of new bed linen ready to go on the bed in the recently decorated bedroom (November) when the furniture is delivered early April.

In then took myself off to Tenterden for an hour. It’s a lovely town and Friday is market day so I bought some fresh fish. Bumped into L who I am seeing for tea next week so didn’t chat for long. Tried a few bits on in Mint Velvet ( my favourite new shop) but didn’t buy (and regretted) might look online………

Home for late lunch, quick visit to doctors surgery for bp check (telephone call scheduled for next Thursday and face to face appointment for 27th April……) good job I’m not ill. Called into MIL with a few groceries but her confidence had taken a knock since fall last week.

Home for dinner and couple of episodes of Sex Education on Netflix - brother and sister were raving and I missed it first time round. I sort of see the attraction, it’s well written, funny, has Gillian Anderson and is a bit different with interesting characters with stories that are starting to unfold but I’m not sure I will stick with it?

Good day and it’s the weekend tomorrow and No1 home.

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