
By Nettenet


At the O2. Postponed from October.

I finished school for Easter today. Home by lunchtime and a couple of tidying up jobs to make sure I’m ready for mum and dad arriving tomorrow. Once Lucy was home from school we made our journey to Greenwich, taking a slightly different route due to signal failure. We got there in time to grab something to eat.

Lucy’s ex fiancé was a mad Phil Collins fan (my early followers may remember that he decided about 8 weeks before the wedding that he couldn’t go through with it.  He is bi polar and suffers with his mental health greatly.   Lucy and he keep in touch but sadly he has had many long stays in hospital and was admitted back in October and will be absolutely gutted that he has missed out on seeing his idol ~ although he will be unaware at the moment).  However, out of the thousands of people there we happened to bump into Alex’s two brothers.  They both gave Lucy a big hug and it was lovely to have a brief catch up.

The concert was great.  Phil is quite frail now but managed pretty well.  I’m not sure they will tour again so it was good to see them whilst we could.

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