Here You See What happens To Be My 3000Th...

To All of You, Dear Blipfriends, who came to congratulate me with my 8th Blipanniversary here below, may I say: I feel so astonished and thankfully for your fidelity, your heartful comments, your presence and attention.
You know I am not that real photographer. Technically speaking. I feel more of a casual snapshooter who tries to open his eyes, open for Vision, lightfall, some picturesque, a see-through, some everyday thing of meaning.
Maybe Blip gives my daily chance of telling a part of my little life-story, mostly without words...
And of course I have my moods, struggling through, getting upright, opening up into the world, inner and outer. We feel thrown into insecure, bad and dark times. There is personal fate, pandemic, outright war. And therefore we have to look for the beauty, not to overlook the snall, funny or bright things that transcend the bareness of our everyday-world.
And that's what I find in all those amazing daily contributions of You. So creative, so inspiring. It really makes my day. Thankyou for all you great efforts to really make your best of it. It fills my life, our lives with joy, beauty, recognition and so much more. ThankYou for your heart meant congratulations. Admirer, Our Beloved Willemien, certainly is a bit proud of it. Its her merit of course, that I engaged myself for this humble Bliptask every day. Love It!

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