
Had coffee and lunch in the garden today, so nice. Had croissant and flat white for breakfast, lovely change from porridge. Walked before breakfast and picked up paper. Got garden furniture back out of winter storage in garage.
Popped down to M&S for some veg, couldn’t believe the price of flowers so didn’t buy any, forgot it is Mother’s Day tomorrow hence the high prices.
Met daughter for coffee, she is not walking far as her ankles are very swollen, it has been just over a week since we last saw her and she has grown again. With five weeks to go she is finding it a bit uncomfortable, but at least she now has somewhere to sit in the new house as the settee has arrived.
Made mushroom dish for dinner and thought they looked quite nice onn5he chopping board. Hubby has sorted a film for tonight but I feel like sleeping. Hip is painful again so not sleeping too well, hence tired in the evening.

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