
By Flotsam

Today I got a call from Simon to tell me that our beautiful Lou's struggle had ended. 
I can hardly find words to express the warmth and love and laughter that she brought into the world.
She has been a constant support and love of my life since we were barely adults. She has made me laugh until my ribs hurt. She has listened, with unconditional love, to my every concern. We have had the best adventures. And to the very last She has sought to ease the path of everyone she loves. 
I will always love her from the bottom of my heart. She had a warmth which touched everyone she met. She leaves such a deep hole for so many. But I know that she is willing us all on and loving us from another place.
I have no idea how we will all cope without her, but we will, because that us what she wanted with her whole heart.
She has tasked me with living her adventures for her, and I will do that and take her on all of them.
Louey , you were the best my lovely girl..

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