Sunday morning wander
On my way back from Josh and Ruth's this morning, I caught sight of a tree that I've taken summertime photos of before, when it's been fully in leaf. I've been drawn to the way it almost seems to wrap itself around the factory building that's beside it. It's in the Kelham Island area, where I've taken many photos before - with its mix of surviving small factories, fancy regeneration apartment projects and derelict buildings.
I hadn't realised before that this tree is a flowering cherry (nul points for botanical observation on my part; the bark alone would have given me a hint, if I'd looked more carefully).
Anyway, it's looking beautiful just now, the pale blossom against the weathered brick.
My babysitting overnight stay was easy; the boys slept through, and so did I. Josh and I were both up quite early with a very chatty Luca, but that was fine. Ruth and Eben slept in till well after 7, despite the clock change. When he got up, Eben had a great time checking and adjusting all the clocks he could find, including the one on the cooker and the central heating controls. Like me, he loves a gadget :-)
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