the blink of an eye

By weedave

some things dont change

Again apologies for not posting most of the last week but life has a way of catching up with you.....have been spring cleaning the house while kids are away ..namely throwing out all the rubbish they have accumulated, washing down walls and wood work and fixing broken stuff

I spent most of today with my parents , my mum is progressing steadily and can now walk without the zimmer ( but still uses it till her confidence returns)
My dad is in good form just now and although I realise that he is not going to get any better than he is just now I feel he is coping /accepting it better..
they have a large amount of old slides and yesterday I managed to get a loan of a slide scanner ( thanks Ian!!) and started scanning them in as my dads long term memory is still good I felt it would be good for him to see them again

well what a trip down memory lane it was , it was great , needless to say I stayed up to silly Oclock scabnning them in and looking at them

this is one of me approx age 13 ..yup camera in hand... yes that is a safari jacket ..yes I do have hair.. yes I am skinny .... so somethings Dont change ( 3 points for guessing where I am ..yes i CAN remember!!)

might back blip some more .... will try doing catch up soon..... honest !!.......ENJOY

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