
By TrishaR

Waiting to cross

This city cob is very aggressive and any cars that sit next to his pond are potential feeders so he goes up to the window of the car and starts tapping with his beak - hard! My mum had to shoo him away yesterday morning with her walking stick - he was not happy! Breagha almost got her nose pecked by him as he dived at her once hissing in fury.

Last year he decided to take maw swan and the bairns for a jaunt into town to the River Tay for a change of scene, maybe to introduce the bairns to a real river. Fine, but it caused chaos to what is one of the biggest bottleneck junctions in Perth as the traffic was halted as they waddled their way half a mile to the river walking on the road .... .the police were called out and people were trying to entice them off the road and on to the pavement with bread. My mum came out of her flat with her stale rolls to help the enticing.. It all ended well, they were herded back to the pond. That would have made a brilliant blip:)


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