Election Posters ...

... for ten of the 12 candidates, on Rue de Tolbiac, not far from our street (two are out of sight to the right). *

Strict rules govern the election:
The posters could only be put up today, March 28, the day the campaign began; the vote is April 10th, and if no one wins a majority (which is probable), the top two will face each other on April 24th.  The order of the posters was drawn by lot. They all  must be the same size, and they cannot include any designation of a political party,

*I've just realized I put up an extra--it's three paintings by Gustave Caillebotte (contemporary of the impressionists but a different stylist). They are at the Orangerie gallery, which we went to this afternoon, for a special exhibitIon (not important to mention here). The rowers on the right are borrowed from Rennes--we noted that when we were just there.

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