There's a Frog in My Tomatoes!

How could I publish a mono shot today when this charming bright green frog presented himself to me?

The frogs in our fountain/water feature by the front steps start their nightly chorus at exactly 5:20 every evening, and they do make an extraordinary amount of noise. If visitors come up or down the stairs, they stop, but as soon as they have passed they start up again. We have spent many an hour peering into the pond trying to see one but despite their noise, they are most elusive and we have only seen frog spawn and tadpoles.  We even called one Fergus, though we only heard him.

This little guy must be one of Fergus's descendants who somehow found his way into our garage and from there into the only available source of water, the trace amount in the bottom of John's sprouting tomato seeds. John spotted him down amongst the little pots (which are under lights and rest on a warming pad) and came and got me. We all have our partners so well trained to spot blips for us....

He dutifully hopped out of his hiding place, the frog, not John, posed for a picture and then leapt from the pot to the ground but John managed to capture him and put him back into the pond. I imagine he will transform himself chameleon-like from his charming bright green to pond color.

I have added a second in-studio reformer class leaving John to his own devices on the office/sewing room floor. In between his class and my class we managed a trip to Trail House. I think I would prefer coffee after class rather than before it, but any change is good after two years of stagnating....I spent a half hour after class in the office with Shawn trying to figure out the convoluted sign-up and payment contract. I'm not sure anyone understands it, least of all me, but we'll see how it unfolds....

We've gotten some very welcome rain today. The mailman drove up our driveway with a package for John (his seed potatoes) which he didn't want to leave  out in the rain. He also brought a letter from a long lost Berkeley friend. I was touched to hear from her again and hope it spurs me on to send notes to a number of people we've not been in contact with since we moved. 

I don't know if it is getting older, laziness, the long isolation brought about by Covid restrictions or some combination of things that seems to make maintaining friendships harder, especially long distance ones. 

Note to self:  friendships are important and I must make the effort....

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