Busy Day

Mrs S and Sam along with friend Lucy set off for a craft show in Exeter, I headed for the Veterans Breakfast at the Golf Club. Our groups first visit for a really nice breakfast and good to catch up with friends.
It was also the first time Paddy had been left on his own in the house, only for ninety minutes and he was as good as gold.
Knew he would.

Rugby in the afternoon for Paddy and I, Falmouth at home to Paignton and as we suspected Falmouth lost 17-29 and the trouble is there was never a time when they looked like they might win.
I met up with my friend Ged and we consumed more beer than responsible adults should but we had a good time.
Lots of fresh air, too long in the sun but tired and in bed for 1000.

Todays photograph, ducks in the pond at Queen Mary Gardens.

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