
By TusCat

Botanical gardens and…

LDC is back at work. He’s decided that working will distract him from his physical pain and his employer has agreed for him to take some time off everyday to rest a bit. He’s still working from home, luckily.
After taking Nigel to day care, I went out to the botanical gardens in Cambridge with friend M. We had a lovely time exploring the greenhouses and we took a lot of pictures. We also saw a fox in daylight, maybe disturbed by the gardeners who are clearing the winter mess everywhere. We saw a big insect in the greenhouses and don’t know what it is. Can somebody help us, please?

Back home, LDC had news for me. The hospital called him. After our telephone call last Saturday, apparently he’d been put on an emergency surgery list. He will go back in this Friday for yet another op. It’s his fourth op since November and his fourth general anaesthetic. :-(

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