Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

This has been one of those days…
I’ve finally cleared space to put my seeing machine on the table. Of course I needed the one that was tucked away somewhat so I had to wiggle a bit to get it out.
When all this was done it was time for a cup of tea. Needed my coaster to put my tea cup on, and I had to move a plastic jar with needles in (and a pin cushion on top) and the lid was loose, the jar hit the table and needles every where! I just sighed and went to put my water on. Got back and cleared the table from needles. Then I realised the small piece of velcro I’d bought as a closure for mums iPad cover had gone walkabout. So, the plan to sew it today and send it tomorrow isn’t going to happen. I think I can buy more velcro at my supermarket, but it’s so annoying! I need to buy flour tomorrow anyway, since I forgot yesterday. A bit irritating to descover this morning when I was about to make a bread dough…
At least the altered book for my friend is done. This is another page spread, with the large playing card I blipped some days ago and a paper bag filled with things.

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