Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

I need to know ...

... was it you who hid the hot cross buns in Marks and Spencer yesterday?

They were there when I went in this morning. Lots of them. I also found - miracle of miracles - vegan salted caramel sauce which is sugar heaven. And I bought a massive focaccia in Gails which I cut up and put in the freezer (mostly - I had to do some quality control on a small piece with some garlic oil and balsamic vinegar).

Work was very intense today. It made me feel tired. It wasn't all bums on seats and pen-pushing however; I did manage to do my ten thousand steps so can feel mildly virtuous.

My list of things to do never seems to get any shorter. Tonight it was the garden; with BST it is possible to mow the lawn after a day's work. I also threw a load of old wood over the shed into the neighbour's garden. This is not a conflict situation - I wanted to get rid of it and he wants fuel for his wood burning stove in his shack at the bottom of the garden. Has a proper man cave down there. 

Dylan has recovered his old mojo and was tearing down up and down the garden whilst we worked. We let him out with his new tracker on but he just sat on the mat and came in five minutes later and went to bed. I will never understand cats. Contrary creatures.

On one of my walks today I passed a parked car blaring out "Lift Up Your Heads oh ye gates" from Handel's Messiah, which was really uplifting and as far as I know nothing to do with Bill and Melinda. I didn't know that's what it was, I had to Shazam it. There is a rather nice YouTube video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0padnBe6OU.

Today would have been my dad's 97th birthday but he died when he was 70 so not even close to a big innings. Nice to remember him 'though. Extra attached from Getty Images. He was a well known figure in the 1970s, famous for masterminding industrial action for public sector workers on low pay, hence the blackboard and the severe look. 

Another six and a half years and I will be the same age as he was when he died. Sobering thought...

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