73 !!!
My 73rd marked the first of many rides up to see the gorgeous skagit valley adorned in a decorative display of brilliant yellow daffodils and rainbows colors of tulips. I rode up with my bff on a day that was chilly , cloudy and even rainy at times
But dear blipper friend Skip texted that the sky would open up in sunshine for me and it did!!!the collage shows me driving with the wipers on, the rainy front window , and then how the day blossomed into sunshine, blue skies and fields full of glorious yellow happy daffys . The tulips were on the outside of the Roozengaard display gardens. The actual tulip fields aren’t in bloom yet, but soon!!
One funny sign we saw said slow your ass down using a picture instead of words. Pretty funny. Coming out of the pandemic I find people are overall driving like asses
So a pretty appropriate sign of the times.
Topping off a beautiful day ride with my friend was a FT from the Portland family. Big R and cowboy and I will take a birthday escape this weekend;);)
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