
Busy day in the office with various online and in person meetings, and an afternoon round table session talking about likely/desirable future usage of space….that’s one that will run and run.
Back and SP arrived for us to meet one of the candidates before interviews tomorrow, then we chatted about her house searching on the way down to Leith Theatre for the international festival programme launch. A real buzz about the place and bumped into lots of people who were all on good form, introduced SP to several but it must all be becoming a blur for her.
Left at 8.30 and chatted to A&N about their viewing of the house today (another one they’d also booked to see was sold yesterday…a day after being advertised!). They loved parts of it but felt it was too small and couldn’t afford an extension, so won’t be putting in an offer. At least it’s got them into actual house hunting as opposed to browsing web sites.

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