
By HareBrain

Splash - backblip

Happy Mother’s Day everyone.  Ours was of a rather adventurous nature ……. 

After a delicious breakfast cooked and served by Mr B (S-in-L) we rugged up warmly as the weather was not as nice as yesterday and took the dogs for a walk through the village, along the public path beside fields of sheep, cows and trees full of beautiful blossom and birdlife, then onward to the lake where 7 month old ‘Peanut’ went for a swim taking off from rather a high point (I wondered if he had some assistance?!).  However, this brave little fellow loves to swim and does a magnificent doggy paddle*  Meanwhile ‘Nellie’ who had also been swimming and entered the water in a far more elegant and ladylike fashion was pleased to see her little friend safely back on dry land.*

On the way home I had a fall (I believe that’s what it’s called when you reach an advanced age?!).  Actually I tripped up on a bit of upturned stone in the hard path and had an unexpected flying lesson. My poor knees and camera took the brunt of it.  No real damage done, no broken bones and once I’d recover my dignity I limped back to base.

Once back #1 daughter performed some top class first aid* whilst #2 daughter gave the dogs a good wash and brush up which restored them to their former glory*  After tea and sympathy we bade farewell to the family and made our way home.  I slept for most of the way apparently!
Extras: Doggy Paddle, Nellie to the rescue, Clean dogs, Colourful knees

At first sight of my colourful knees the first few lines of Bruce Springsteen’s wonderful ‘Streets of Philadelphia’ came to mind …..,

I was bruised and battered
I couldn’t tell what I felt
I was unrecognisable to myself
Say my reflection in the window
And didn’t know my own face knees ........

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