Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Abstract for Robert...

...who started it all...

Thanks to Ingeborg, who sent us this message:
Today’s Abstract Thursday is dedicated to Youoregon1/Robert Ostrochovsky, who founded this well-loved challenge end of June 2015. Robert is currently dealing with an aggressive brain tumour and had his first brain surgery recently. I’m hoping by showing our support and positive thoughts and prayers we can help him and his wife in this difficult time. I’ll send him the link to today’s collection of entries via Instagram and hope he’ll be able to see it and follow the link. 

Before Blip I hadn't even considered mono or abstract images - so it's thanks to the hosts of these challenges that I have tried something new, and attempted to become more creative! For Abstract Thursday I do tend to let rip with the colour schemes... 

Best wishes Robert! 

Extra shows the weather this afternoon - I don't like cancelling things early, but on this occasion I think it was the right decision not to try and have a blipmeet at the Sculpture Park...
We went round to the farm for lunch instead - we didn't quite make it before one blizzard came through, and we had to delay leaving when another arrived - we could see the clouds building up from the window, and then the snow rolled in... Roy had to have an extra coffee, and I may have succumbed to an ice-cream while we waited it out ;) 

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