
Since PhD students M and J both postponed their meetings with me, I was able to go out first thing to enjoy the light covering of snow and blue skies. A was already out with Django, and when I met them returning, I too over the lead of Django, so he had a longer walk. For another "handsome dog and Knightslaw Tower" photo, see extra. 

Back home, despite having thought of a "challenging final part" to an exam question whilst out with Django, I did everything but work on the exam paper. This was because today was the official launch of our crowdfunding campaign, requiring posts to LinkedIn, and leading to the discovery of someone who can help us create a Wikipedia page for our software project. Hence I busied myself writing a prototype page. There were also more case study queries from students to respond to. In the afternoon I had an excellent meeting with И and the guy in the US who is writing a Python interface for us. Such is my poor grasp of Python, it turned out that there is far less work required than I thought, which was a nice surprise!

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