When Snow and Fog Meet

Panic over. It seems like I just needed downtime to reboot my immune system and restore the optimum levels of serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and all those endorphins that I've been overdosing on. 

It was a snow rather than a fog alarm that woke me up at 6.30am this morning, bolt upright, immediately wide awake. It was wild outside, a snowstorm raging and already a serious depth of snow accumulating. The forecast was for it to clear and for the sun to come out. I waited for my moment and got on the moor to enjoy perfect conditions. And then I looked behind me. Another big cloud of snow was coming. I was soon engulfed by a blizzard and I decided to head down to these woods that you can see. I arrived just as it stopped snowing for a few minutes and while the cloud was still down. Another moment of wonderful serendipity. It was eerily beautiful, not another soul about.

Once home, my head was clear and I've since been able to focus on all the things that have been escaping me all week. When you're not feeling right for a few days, it's only when you're back to normal that you realise quite how off you've been.

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