
This is me.
Was stuck for a blip tonight, so out came the camera for a selection of random shots, i didn't like any of them, so it fell to some random Self portraits! lol!

Have had a lot on my mind today, Ty is having issues with his teeth, and has been for sometime, but it's taken over a year for anything to actually happen!
The dentist today recommended that he change his diet, cutting out all sugary snacks, biscuits, chocs... Basically anything nice that kiddies enjoy, he is now limited to a weekly treat.
For a little boy who is quite fussy with his foods, introducing healthy snacks, more fruit and veg, and lots of water is going to come as a bit of a shock, i know it's better for him in the long run, and wish i'd been on the ball from day one, but i can't change whats been done.
I see some difficult stroppy tantrums ahead!

I have bribed him with a new PS2 game if he can really try his bestist over the next 2 weeks! fingers crossed!!

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