A Naked Monkey In A Swimming Pool

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

We all had to wait for AGES at the Southern Cross restaurant. This is because Shenée - who can faff about at the best of times - was even harder for Craig to wrangle to the venue on time without revealing that there were eleven people awaiting her. 

We passed the time listening to Nate the Australian. He is a character. He is our Solution Architect and very passionate about technology in general - exactly the sort of person you WANT as an SA. At the moment he is exploring the world of crypto-currency and virtual real estate. 

We wrinkled our brows. VIRTUAL real estate?

Apparently he invests in USDC - the crypto version of US dollars and he said it is tied to their value and therefore he won't lose EVERYTHING like some other types of crypto-currency might when people realise that what they have bought is essentially worthless. 

But speaking of essential worthlessness, he's been using that currency to invest in land in Facebook's "MetaVerse". I don't understand it at all. It's a virtual world and you can buy land on it. But WHY? And who would buy it? And WHAT?

I suppose I shouldn't be too dismissive. I think "But WHY? And WHAT?" also expresses what I thought about the internet back in the mid-90's.

However Nate did not sell me. He himself said he really wasn't sure what the point of it all was. He said the bit of virtual land he bought is surrounded on all sides by plots bought by Japanese people. 

"But you'll recognise mine if you browse it," he explained. "It has a swimming pool with a naked monkey in it. I had a diving board too, but it broke."




1. He BOUGHT a virtual swimming pool for his virtual piece of land?
2. His virtual diving board BROKE? But HOW?
3. A NAKED monkey?

It was that last question that dominated. 

"Oh yes," he said. "I bought a monkey that would let you take his clothes off. That was so I could sell the virtual clothes. I made about 12 USDC and just about broke even on the naked monkey."

Fortunately Shenée arrived at about this point. Adorably, she had ZERO idea that the party was for her and was wandering about CLUELESS as to why people were singing. Craig literally had to grab her by the shoulders and POINT HER AT HER OWN PARTY.

She reacted as we were all hoping. She clapped her hand to her mouth in astonishment and then buried her face in Craig's chest. She was absolutely speechless.

"I was led to believe there would be cake?" said Nate.

Shenée was beside herself with delight, squealing and hugging everyone and opening her presents. Corrie had made her a picture giving the definition of the word "whānau". It was perfect in summing up how we all feel about the team that Shenée built.

Shenée didn't stop smiling all night. Me and Caro had a wonderful time too. Even without Shenée, we love the company; Mo, Jefe, Manda, Corrie and Craig were all on great form and I spent the whole evening laughing. 

But of course this evening was all about Shenée. It made me smile to see how much tonight meant to her. It is inconceivable to me that she doesn't realise how important she is to all of us, but she honestly seems to have no idea sometimes. And so the expression on her face all evening was one of complete surprise and delight and astonishment. I don't think I've ever seen her so happy. 

I remember about a year ago - after a tough week of fighting - she told me she was tired of putting out positivity and warmth but getting nothing back. Well, tonight we got the opportunity to give all of it back. It felt good.

Caro and Manda worry me though. They both share a mischievous sense of humour and I expect them to get up to MALARKEY whenever they are together. Caro and Craig also seem to have formed some sort of alliance - having similarly-minded partners with our heads in the clouds. 

"We share the same trauma," as Caro put it. 

At the end of the evening I felt drunk, not just on whisky but yes that too. But also on friendship. It was a really great evening and we all came away full of hugs and smiles. Shenée and Craig thoughtfully drove us all the way home and I fell into bed still smiling. 

This morning Shenée had sent me these messages:

I had the best night of my life! I am feeling so loved and content - I've never felt like this before.

So I sent her the video I took of her arriving at the party (see extras) and she replied like this:

I watched the video and cried - I cried with happiness because last night was just pure love and it overwhelms me.

As for me? I'm still smiling like a naked monkey in a swimming pool.


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