Silly Saturday: Backwards Clock
Today's the first Saturday of the month - and therefore it's a hosted Silly Saturday! I have the honour of being the host this time. (Silly Saturday is, of course, held nowadays in memory of blipper Admirer who started the ball rolling several years ago.)
I've chosen to blip this silly alarm clock which would be guaranteed to confuse me if I were to glance at it to check the time in a sleepy haze in the middle of the night! I feel sure that Admirer would have enjoyed a little chuckle at it if she were still with us. We actually bought it some years ago as a present for one of our sons, but it's also silly in having such a loud tick that it's hard for anyone to sleep in its presence!
(If you've not yet blipped today, please think of blipping something silly/funny/peculiar to give us all a laugh. The tags are SilSApr2022 or SilS287. And if anyone would like to host Silly Saturday sometime just let me know, either by a comment here or by email to - thanks, it's great fun!)
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