Carport Sale 2022

The last time our condo association had a sale was in 2019 (pre-covid.) At the time, several of the 42 owners said..."Never again."

Well, here we are. Several hours last night setting up, and our day today was from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. A lot of work.

We had 12 tables full of junk merchandise, with everything from bicycles to furniture. It only ran from 8 a.m. til noon, and at 11 a.m. things went to half-price. At noon, it went to the best 4-letter word in the dictionary. FREE.

Even at FREE, we had several truckloads for Goodwill, and several large pieces of furniture to be picked up later.

I did hear a couple of people say..."Never again." Time will tell.

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