Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee


Tonight was the opening night of Kilearnan Art Fair and I actually exhibited! My blip is the 2 paintings I've put in - you might remember seeing this one in a previous blip.

This is the first time I've put anything in anywhere where people might even pay money so I'm quite excited about it, even though it is just a wee event. I put lots of my glass paintings in too so fingers crossed that something takes a buyers fancy!

LOL, but don't worry, I'm not holding my breath, to be honest everyone else who belong to the art groups here have been doing it a lot longer than me and are a LOT better (mum has a few paintings and lots of cards in too and hers are really good!), but it has given me the confidence to maybe try and sell more and I'm quite proud of my dubious efforts :o)

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