Orange Ladybirds
On our walk in the woods this morning I counted 74 orange ladybirds on only 6 trees in a small area. I love to see them. Most other walkers have never noticed them because they’re so tiny.
There were also some huge escargotoires of snails with over 40 in some.
There was lots of birdsong, and two noisy buzzards.
But very few people. The sun was shining but it was chilly.
Home again for cocoa and Wordle, Septle etc. and a bit of lunch, then it was out to the garden to carry on digging trenches around the grass and fitting the boards. Three sides are done now, and I can’t do the other side yet because Brucey, eldest son, is making raised beds for me, that will form the edge along that side with just a small board in between. It’s so satisfying to be expending energy, making an improvement, and feeling tired at the end of the day.
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