New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Arran from Ayr

Feeling better today although the tickly throat and snotty nose is still hanging around.  Today we were booked in to view a showhouse with Persimmon, but the nearest model that we were interested in was all the way over near Prestwick.  So we had a bit of a drive out and explored Ayr to make the most of the journey.

The Ayrshire coastal towns all have a similar vibe (at least the one's we've explored already) but Ayr boasts some pretty great views of Arran when the cloud clears.  Lunch was good at Unity Grill who were also a CIC working to reduce food poverty, then we did our good deed for the day after P found a mobile phone on the beach.  It's ones of those strange things - how do you find a phone's owner when you can't unlock it?  Google helped and told us we can access Siri even when locked so we were able to call the chap's mum ('Siri call mum!') who managed to get in touch with the girlfriend so we could then rendevous on the very long beach.  

After all that drama, we still had some time to kill before the house viewing, so had a quick wander around the Rozelle art gallery which is worth a visit if you're ever in Ayr.

House was nice, now we just need to get a straight answer from the sales people to see if they're building any in the plots near us that haven't been sold yet and see how long we'd have to wait for them. The joys of house buying.

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