Fun morning with Eva playing with Jack in the school. She had said she wanted to jump but she started to get nervous and sulky so I just said I'll put some poles out, if you want to do them then great- if you don't then that's fine. She did the poles and then did a teeny tiny jump. I got her to sing as she went over them as she tends to tense up and hold her breath. It definitely helped and she was so proud of what she achieved. 

This afternoon I had a lesson with Ruth. I told her about our issues yesterday - how Buddy seems to pause, hurl himself over the fence then basically stop after it and how I couldn't go with him and felt unbalanced. She got me to focus on my canter, maintaining a better contact instead of my bad habit of throwing my hands forward and leaning forward to try and push him into canter as this is making him unbalanced. So I need to keep my weight back and carry the bit. Then she got me to  focus on the canter, not the jump and in the end I got him to be more fluid over the jump, without the pauses that unseat me. She thinks with practice he'll learn he doesn't need to give everything so much clearance!! It was an absolutely fabulous lesson and really felt like we made some progress today. She also said my saddle isn't helping me so I'm looking forward to getting that sorted too. Top day! 

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