Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Sea Horse

When one goes down to Govetts Leap Lookout at Blackheath and gazes out upon the vast expanse of the Grose Valley, it is easy to imagine that what one sees has remained largely the same for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Not so, it seems .... thanks to the element of chaos, which appears to have been in a devilish mood at the time. 

At some point last year (or maybe it was late the year before) a major landslide occurred which defaced the cliff opposite, creating this distinctive shape. Local rangers tell me that folks have begun to unofficially call this "the seahorse". Given that the total fall from the top of the cliff to the valley bottom is somewhere between 500-600 feet, this landmark is probably about 250-300 feet high. No small thing.

It is entirely possible that at least one of my Blackheath colleagues (who DIDN'T goof off like me, for the best part of the last 12 months) has already blipped this. But just in case they didn't ... here it is. 

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