Lincoln Sunday

Glad to have a restful day at Kevin's which invoilved a lovely walk down the river where there were several examples of the avian community,  including this Cormorant - unusual to see one inland.  We also saw a hovering hawk and Egrets and the usual paddling quackers!  Kevin oooked us a very tasty lamb steak dinner, and this was followed by chocolate with some of the Pinotage from dinner.  Unfortunately I had been a little congested and coughing a little during the day and so decided to do a C-Test.  Negative thankfully, though it didnt stop me having a rough night.  Glad we are staying here till Wednesday and able to rest before going on our travels.  It's a peaceful place to hole up in the upstairs flat at Kevin's and very grateful for his laid back hospitality.   Extra of the river with a view of Lincoln in the background

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