Black Cherry

By ABPhotos

Fuzzy bee

I saw them loads today, like really everywhere I looked. They were pollinating on flowers, buzzing around bushes, flying low and high, sitting on the floor, even my daughter found one dead and buried her by the wall fence under overgrowing ivy. She even did a little cross from twigs sellotaped, bless her, I did the same when her age.

It was so nice and sunny, and finally I was breathing deeply, taking the life in. We did loads and loads of gardening, we did our first BBQ, played with the kids, talked to my husband and mum about forthcoming Helena's first communion. Fingers crossed 5th May will be sunny like today.

It was so nice and relaxed I barely took the camera out of its bag (strange to say that out loud here). On our way back from church (me & H went on bicycles, only 7min away) I realized the tyre was flat, so needed to walk back. Luckily my iPhone was still in my pocket along with Olloclip, I could use macro lens on that when saw this huge bumble bee pollinating on suddenly looking so gorgeous flowers. Thanks God for the sun and thanks for making my day so pleasant :)

Hope yours was splendid as well :)


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