Kath's Journal

By Kathb

Endurance Test

I went out with the rambling club today, but what a cold, wet, dreary, windy day. We set out from Mungrisdale and climbed up Bowscale Fell. There were some patches of snow up there and huge sheets of ice on the tarn. My fingers froze inside my gloves.

I didn't take many photographs because it was too wet to take the camera out of the bag. We were blown about by the wind, which at one point lifted a member's rucksack (full of gear) and dumped it in the river. The few pictures I took are so dreary, I've decided to blip a door.

By the time we reached this door, the rain had stopped and we were close to the pub, which had a a big open fire - highlight of the day.

Constant rain and strong winds do not make great walking weather . We kept the walk short - about 6 miles.

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