Fading fast

That’s the tulips and could refer to my knitting motivation too.

I had physio again today for my pulled leg muscle. He worked hard on it and the other side of the leg too which had become tight. I’m strapped up with tape like a footballer and under instruction to rest it for 10 days. He laughed and said he knew I’d not be able to stand that so recommended 5 days and if I am tempted out to come back to an ice pack to reduce the inflammation, put my leg up and at night have a hot-water bottle on it to increase blood to the muscles. Also to stay away from rough hill ground for a while.

Mr C had a bad night of coughing, a slight headache and sore eyes. #2 daughter thinks he has Covid but the test isn’t confirming that. Whatever he has, he must have got at the food shopping on Friday as symptoms started on Sat evening. We ordered more of the kind of masks that protect us too.

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