Holiday home

Wasn't sure if my throat was sore. Wasn't sure if I was achy. Wasn't sure if my glands were tender. The test said negative and the quasi symptoms went away! Which was a good thing as I was off to London again to do more Billy sitting while Jessica and Jack go to Weymouth to see Jack's nan. Journey was ok. Hold ups on the M25 - shock - so Karin (sat nav) took me along the A3 and through various places I've not been before. Billy was so pleased to see me when I got here. Sweet boy. 
Jennie feeling ok. Still a bit achy and sore but fine. And Adam is still negative. 
The electrician came and couldn't fix it so I rang British gas again and they have now arranged for an engineer to come tomorrow. 
Had a very quiet relaxed time with Billy. Just read and eventually went to bed. 

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