A Day At A Time.

By ElCid


This morning it was as bad as I have ever known it. The torrential rain was lashing at the outside door of my apartment block, making it hard to open against the howling wind and get outside at all. Not that I really wanted to.

Driving to school was hazardous to say the least. Low visibility and lakes of water lying across the road to catch the unaware and cause them to swerve uncontrollably across the carriageway.

But after lunch it all stopped. The skies cleared and the sun came out. It was warm and more what we would expect for April. There were still some big black clouds about later, when Duke and I went out, but the rumbling thunder came to nought.

Maybe the stormy season has passed at last. One can but hope.

In other news, it is two years today until I can retire and collect my pension.

Seven hundred and thirty-one and counting.... (damn the leap year!).

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