New Adventures

By P1nkdragen


Sad blip today.  We were admiring the bountiful rabbits in the park on an evening walk (nice to have those back) and I got very excited as I spotted what I thought was a fox stalking said rabbits.  As I got closer, I realised that the fox was being very still and the rabbits were very bold considering their proximity.  Reminded me of 'The Foxcub Bold' which was one of the earliest books I can remember bawling my eyes out to as a kid. 

We were a bit fed up today - a really lovely looking house came up on Tuesday afternoon, I booked in a viewing straight away, for this evening (coudln't do Wednesday as P was at college), only for it to be cancelled this morning because the owner had already accepted an offer... This housing market is ridiculous.  We're going to see if the one we saw on Monday is still on the market and put an offer in on that and see if we get anywhere.

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