I've just remembered I wanted to title yesterday's journal MMMDCL, but I forgot. I even found a website where you can take a test on Roman numerals! So, today is MMMDCLI. :))
I haven't been out today, so I am repurposing one of the test shots I took yesterday. I messaged Margaret with the Snoopy picture, and she wrote back in the morning saying it was perfect for today. *Light bulb* !!
Thank you so much for all the comments, stars and hearts for my 3,650th entry yesterday. You put me on the front page of "Popular", which is always exciting.
Much of the productive part of today was spent at my desk, working out and then coding a multi-tax line invoice from a hotel in Amsterdam. It took five hours! I'm so glad I don't have to deal with invoices like that often.
When I wasn't working, I watched a bit of "light" TV. Sister Act was playing on one of the channels. G missed the end as she had to leave to do her Zoom lesson. After dinner, I finally got to watch the Sridevi movie English Vinglish! It was er, interesting! Nice to see Bollywood finally doing something more real/relevant.
And now I must get my beauty sleep!
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