Never change

She splashed in puddles. 
She spent ages cutting and sticking.
She played in a box.
She sat on my knee for long cuddles. 
She wore a flower in her hair. 

We are at the edge of her transition into adolescent, in many ways we are well into it. In other ways, she's just a little girl still. 

She had a lovely morning with Steph, going for breakfast and doing a few jobs. We had a few chilled out hours together, she did some practice, then she walked to meet Lydia from school. They walked to Lydia's for tea and she spent the evening watching a concert at Lydia's school. Emma said she was squirming at some of the sixth form drama pieces! She was home quite late and had text me that she was very tired, so milk and pjs were ready and waiting for her when she got home. 

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