
You were going to have to make do with a blip of the moorhen, still sitting on her litter-enhanced nest; but later in the day I heard a lot of revving, shouting and hooting and was treated to this spectacle. A large item (the centre one on the white flat-bed) was being delivered into the back of the property (over that wall into the white-painted back yard). A couple of blokes had gone back up the street to prevent traffic coming down - goodness knows where they sent it, as this already is a diversion.

It was only after I'd watched this delicate operation to its conclusion that I noticed the writing on the white truck "Scunthorpe Hot Tubs". Blimey. I'd assumed it was some hefty kitchen equipment. Hot tub in the.....back yard??? I guess the finished 'development' will turn up on ESPC eventually - it's no 31 Bernard St in case you want to keep an eye out......

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