Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Four colours

There were signs of growth in the allotments I walked past this morning on my way through the woods. I called in at the church  as the organ tuner had arrived. I wanted to talk to him about restoring the harmonium which sits in a rather sorry state of disrepair at the back of the church. It was a gift from Princess Beatrice, youngest daughter of Queen Victoria. Sebastian said it was are very good instrument made by a German company at the turn off the 20th century and he is prepared to restore it for a minimal cost. He is an organ builder and was quite excited at the prospect of restoring this instrument. We need to supply some materials, four sheepskins, one square metre of cashmere cloth and a quantity of felt.

In the afternoon, Chris came round for a table tennis practice. He has just won the national veteran Belgian table tennis competition and showed me his medal. He also won silver in the doubles. He wants more practice as he is returning at the weekend to compete in the Flemish veteran tournament.

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