Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Zion Canyon

I was lucky to get a camp spot in Zion, as it is incredibly popular these days. However, the park works hard to make the experience as good as possible in spite of the crowds. In order to limit numbers to something reasonable, is now necessary to get a hiking permit to climb up to Angel's landing, an airy spot high above the canyon floor. It has always been popular, even back in 1998 when I first climbed up to it.

I arrived in the park early, and got a shuttle to the head of the canyon. After joining the relative hoards to tramp the Narrows trail (my shuttle hadn't been full), walking back from the shuttle stop along the river I had the path to myself most of the time. Then I caught the shuttle back from a few stops downstream and set up camp around lunchtime, when everyone else was out touristing.  I could understand why the shuttles ran every few minutes, with the car park now full and long lines of people queuing.

Next morning, I was up early again, but this time drove out to the eastern entrance, stopping for a few photos on the way. I got out my proper camera for the Chequered Mesa, but this and other shots were on my cell phone.

Then to the contrasting peacefulness  of my campsite at Navajo National Monument. This is a great place in pinyon-juniper forest that I've been to many times before. It snowed last time I was there, but not today.

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