Sophia Sparkles.

Sophia was 13 in January.

Just lately we've noticed she sometimes has difficulty jumping on the bed.

Apart from that she's her usual self.

Sometimes grumpy, other times very loving.

She still likes to play fetch with a paper ball.  And she'd sit and knock said ball back to you forever, if you'd let her.

She also likes to play catch with the girls hairbands.

Out early to the supermarket.  I swear they're putting the prices up everyday!

Then the Post Office.

Went back to the book sale.  Didn't buy any books, but bought four dvds.
(I saw some books there, I'm sure I gave away to a different charity some time ago.)

Then finally to the charity shop to drop off more stuff I no longer need.

Then home, to stay out of the rain for the rest of the day.

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