There’s no way tonight, as far as I know

Busy day today…

We got up at ten, lazy buggars, and headed to the allotment and promised ourselves that we wouldn’t overdo it. The plan was take a tree down and weed the onions

By the time I had got myself into the poly tunnel .. he had already taken down the tree.

It took me about twenty minute to get the weeks out of the flower bed and I planted the sweet peas which had been growing in the poly tunnel.

Then I started on the onions. Dear god it took me about ten minutes to get down onto the kneeling mat. I couldn’t be a Religious person - I couldn’t get up and down for All the praying!

Si eventually helped - once he had finished moving the tree and laying out the bed for the peas

Then the two of us sat and looked at each other and got out breaths back and loaded the car up.

When we came home we started all over

Repotting seedlings; repotting plants; planting more seedling

Eventually at four thirty and getting a bit cold we came in and I showered and sat down. I do not think that I shall be getting up again.

Here’s a thing 46 days ago when Russian invaded Ukraine I planted sunflowers; the National flower of Ukraine. I wanted a little show of solidarity … now forty six days on I have around 80 very strong and sturdy seedling! Slava Ukraini

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