Day 1

The weather was not looking at all comfortable for the first day out with John. He thought looking at forecasts for various locations around the Lake District that Crummock Water would be the favourite to keep driest.

It was an inspired choice. It was raining on the way but soon stopped bur remained overcast for a while. Late afternoon the sun put in an appearance. What didn't go away was the wind, which, at times, was blowing gale force. It was hang on to everything tightly otherwise you either wouldn't see it again or you'd have some very expensive glass shattered across the path.

Fortunately we got back unscathed with the exception of my shutter finger which got trapped at some point. No further details required other that it leaked red stuff for a while :-(

Off for food shortly and then the session for positive critique from John afterwards.

Will be back with more tomorrow assuming I don't run out of fingers!

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