The Ties That No Longer Bind

Today's image is a collection of just some of the ties that I wore in my 35 years of office life before I was made redundant for the second time in 2020.
They do bring back a lot of memories and show the changing fashions over the decades - from sober ones to colourful ones, stripes and paisley patterned with the width also changing according to the prevailing tastes - skinny ties to kipper ties (I've got both!). To my shame I've also got some hideous novelty ones too, which I've tried to forget and hence they are not appearing in this image.
There's a lot of things I don't miss at all about my previous office life - the up to three hour commute every weekday in my last few years at work, the office politics, the actual work itself (I worked in the insurance industry - not bywords for excitement!) - but I do miss the camaraderie of being in a team and even the office 'banter'. Over the years we went through a lot together, both good and bad, and we did genuinely look out for each other, as did our employer, before it all became too corporate in later years (we got taken over twice in my first job and each time the 'family feel' that we had had with our original employer gradually disappeared). I still have friends that I met at work over 20 years ago. That's a lot to take out of a collection of ties!

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