
By Transitoire

J'ai perdu vendredi

Friday was a bit of a lost day to be honest...

Normally I would be in work for a few hours on a Friday, but with my timetable all skewwhiff and working extra hours etc. it was decided that I would finally have a Friday off. Now, I don't know whether I utilised the time very well, I'll see what you think! The morning was spent sleeping. I have had more than a few late nights this week and so needed to catch up on sleep at some point I guess...I only ventured out to take this picture of some graffiti on a street just coming off Rue Ecuyère...I saw it in the first few weeks of being here and I have been meaning to Blip it for a while, mainly because I think it is quite cute!

So, instead of my rather lazy afternoon (I watched some television and tried to sort out CAF) I have decided to give you guys some words. These are all irregular verbs in the past in English, check out how few of them are irregular in France...sometimes the language can be easier (but sometimes not I feel I have to point out, being a language student!):-
- Devenir - to become
- Commencer - to begin
- Casser/Briser - to break
- Apporter - to bring
- Attraper - to catch
- Venir - to come
- Boire - to drink
- Manger - to eat
- Tomber - to fall
- Sentir - to feel
- Oublier - to forget
- Obtenir - to get
- Donner - to give
- Entendre - to hear
- Tenir - to hold/to take
- Conserver - to keep
- Savoir - to know
- Apprendre - to learn
- Partir - to leave
- Laisser - to let
- Faire - to make
- Payer - to pay
- Mettre - to put
- Lire - to read
- Dire - to say/to tell
- Fermer - to shut
- S'asseoir - to sit
- Parler - to speak
- Se lever - to stand
- Prendre - to take
- Penser - to think
- Écrire - to write

Early evening I went with Caroline and her parents to see Sylvère perform with his band in a bar in Caen. I was really impressed with the lack of French accent from the singer...until speaking to him at the end when he said he was actually English! Oh the embarrassment! No worries though, it was a great concert...I was more than pleasantly surprised, and my favourite song would have to be 'Baby One More Time' (yes, originally by Britney Spears) but done in a Rock style. Better than the original I would say! Was really nice to see Caroline's parents again, especially since I haven't seen them since the beginning of the year...I really hope that they have seen an improvement in my language!

Comme d'hab, more than one rendez-vous in an evening. After being invited separately by all three boys (why don't they just talk to each other?) for a before (=pre-drinks...I know, sounds awful!) at theirs I headed to Thomas, Thibaud and Pierre's to find chaos reigning as Pierre had just managed to elbow Thomas in the face hard enough to make him bleed! Nothing like an interesting entry to a situation. It was also really lovely of one of Caroline's friends to give me a lift into the centre-ville, so much easier than taking the tram! Anyhows, drinks were followed by us all leaving to head to Le What's. Now although I have no particular issue with it, I have to agree it is not the classiest of establishments, and I definitely agree with the statement that the videurs sont des cons (bouncers are idiots)...we arrived in the queue well before 12h30 (when it is no longer free entry) but the bouncers were letting people in so slowly that the queue was massively long. We got to the front at about 12h36, losing Thomas, Pierre and Florian on the way, leaving Thibaud, Flavie and I. Being one of the organisers, Thibaud tried to speak to the bouncer and see if there was anything we could do as there were a lot of other Erasmus people behind us too who would have to pay as well. The bouncer said that Thibaud was being rude (he wasn't) and demanding too much (he wasn't) and that we would all have to leave. After that reception we didn't really want to stay! However the night ended really nicely, finding Thomas and company, a children's playground, l'Écume des Nuits and the rest of the beers at the flat...making it a great chilled out evening rather than a really loud mental one (that I was not 100% feeling in the mood for). Sometimes things just work out right hey?

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