
By NinjaShoe

Sleepover Struggles

Are you a relaxed impromptu-sleepover family, or more of an only-on-special-occasions family?

We are only-on-special-occasions people, but Sam seems to have several friends whose parents are happy to do sleepovers at a moment's notice.

This leaves us in a predicament. We have managed to get through to Sam that for us, turning up with a hopeful friend at 6.00pm on a Friday night and asking that he stay for a sleepover is putting us on the spot and is not OK.

However, he is often invited to sleepover at someone else's house with the same sort of notice.....

The upshot is that we are very many sleepovers in debt to other people and are generally considered real meanies by our son.....

However, this is what he has done for most of the day after last night's sleepover, & is uncooperative and argumentative to boot, so I don't think we will be changing our minds very soon.

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