Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

Hydrangea flower

Well, it was once. This picture has nothing to do with my day, and doesn't even represent it very well.

Have had a lovely Monday: The sun was out, took kids to school on bicycles, and there was no east wind or rain, bliss. Came home, worked hard and got loads done. Went to town for tights for Amelia, did the Waitrose shop and then back out to get kids. Then I went for a run.

This time last year, I went on holiday with my fit friends and discovered I couldn't climb hills anymore, so I started running. I got fitter, it was great. then it got horribly cold and wet and I stopped. This Easter, we were on holiday with the same fit friends, I wasn't really any better at climbing those hills. So today I started the C25K programme again. It wasn't as bad as last year, when I thought I was going to die after ONE WHOLE MINUTE of running, so that's good. I enjoyed it, even.

Just a lecture to run through one more time, and a school bag to pack. To say I am looking forward to going back to work would be an overstatement, but I am not dreading it as much as I thought I would.

Oh, and I bought tulips so that I would have something to blip later on in the week when I am too busy to think. That, my friends, is being prepared.

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