Monday: War Memorial

There are many an war memorials in Ottawa.  This one’s right outside my office.  As for today, I won’t dwell on the fact that the IT was so frustrating that it really slowed the day down and prevented me from getting anything meaningful done.

There is a little grey and white cat that comes and sits on our garden wall.  I was out in the garden this evening, hoping my presence would discourage it, when I ended up having a conversation with the neighbour diagonally behind us.  It was the type of conversation only British people could have.

For dramatic purposes it’s important to know that Sam is my predecessor and we moved into the house that he lived in:

(Booky and Neighbour make eye contact):
Neighbour: Are you the new Ben?
Booky: (slight confused pause)……..I’m the new Sam.
Neighbour: Sam?
Booky: Yes…….
Neighbour: Are you sure?  I’m sure his name was Ben
Booky: Dark haired with glasses?  Twin daughters……toddlers?
Neighbour: That’s him.
Booky: Definitely Sam…..
Neighbour: I’ve been calling him Ben all this time.
Booky: Sam’s very polite.  He would have responded to that.
Neighbour: (slight pause)……..Come round for a beer when the weather warms up.

(After several more courtesies Booky exits stage left).

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